Do I get accommodation if I have 6 hours' transit time in Kuala Lumpur
Can I bring flowers onboard?
How can I make the wheelchair request?
Do I need to collect my luggage if I'm only transiting through Kuala Lumpur airport?
What documents do I need to present during check in?
What are the restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels?
Can I bring live animals?
Am I allowed to bring outside food on board?
Can expectant/pregnant mothers travel on Malaysia Airlnes to connect to other airlines?
What are the quarantine procedures before and upon arrival in Malaysia?
How can I check-in at the airport?
I would like a refund on my ticket, who should I contact?
How early do I need to come to the airport for check-in?
When and where can I purchase Extra Baggage?
How much is my free baggage allowance?